Because I can't fit Instagram on my phone, I lack that fantastic ability to cobble multiple pics together for tweeting, etc. Therefore, when I have multiple pics to post - I have to either do it one at a time, or make a blog post. It's tough living in the dark ages, LOL ;-)
For those who don't know - and why should you? - my bathroom is the size of a postage stamp. But, it is attached to my bedroom and MINE all MINE, so I don't complain. Anyway, it was seriously lacking in storage. Despite the over the toilet storage cabinet I put together when we first moved in, and despite all my best Dollar Store attempts - a girl needs STORAGE!
So, to that end ... I give you my (bathroom) improvement projects of the day.
An Earring Merry Go Round - and yes, I like gold hoops. |
This handy little dude came pre-assembled. I just slid it outta the box and filled it :-) |
This one I had to put together - no biggie using power tools :-) But I do need to sort something out to cover the top. |
For more information on FC Bathroom Renovations go to