The Best (and quickest) "Homemade" Mac N Cheese
Big bag/box of any kind of pasta you have (we're talking aprox. a pound of noodles)
Gobbs and Gobbs of shredded cheese (the more the better)
Enough Instant Non-Fat milk and water to make 1 cup (works better if it's hot, but it's not crucial).
a few pats of butter, for flavor and lubrication.
Boil the noodles. Drain the noodles when they're done, put the butter, cheese, and milk on them, and clamp a lid on it to start the cheese melting. Then, when it's slightly melted, add salt and pepper to taste, and stir it up; mixing it all really well. You have to stir a little, then let it sit and melt some more, then stir some more -- until it hits the right consistency. If it starts going too claggy, you can add a bit more butter -- if the cheese is too gloppy and the milk is too runny, it needs to sit and be stirred some more.
If you're really ambitious (which I'm not) and you have a set of pans that can go from the stovetop to the oven (which I do), then you can put a bit more shredded cheese on top and stick it under the broiler just long enough to give it a sort of crust.
Notes: It's really yummy to use nacho blend shredded cheese. If you're out of instant milk you can (obviously) use regular milk, or you can use 2 cups of hot Country style gravy (made from packets), but after experimenting the instant non-fat milk gives the best flavor (believe it or not!).
I don't know what rock I've been living under, but this concept of having a guiding word for the year is brand new to me. I only know about it because of a vlogger I watch regularly: She's in Her Apron . But the idea is SO up my alley. I've never been a resolution-maker, but a word? I love words, obviously. I live for them, by them, and though them. To use one to define all my many intentions and goals for the year is one of those ideas where I'm mystified that I never thought of it! My word for 2018 is: RELEASE